Monday, September 7, 2009

Research Associate, Stanford University

Experimental High Energy Physics

The Department of Physics at Stanford University is inviting applications for a postdoctoral research associate position to participate in two long baseline neutrino experiments: MINOS and NOvA, utilizing one neutrino beam from Fermilab and two separate detectors in northern Minnesota.

The MINOS experiment is designed to study neutrino oscillations in the “atmospheric” delmsq region, through numu disappearance, numu to nue transition and depletion of NC events. The Far Detector is a multi-kiloton magnetic iron/scintillator spectrometer in the Soudan mine in Minnesota, some 735 km away. The first results on numu disappearance and search for sterile neutrinos, based on the initial data sets, have been published already and the first results on nue appearance have been presented at the recent conferences. The current emphasis in the analysis
efforts is to refine all of these measurements with a much larger data sample based on 7E20 protons on target. In addition, starting this fall, we shall commence a dedicated run with muon antineutrinos.

Application Deadline: October 15, 2009

Further Scholarship Information and Application (PDF)

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